About me

Hello, I’m Chengzhang Li. I am currently a research scientist at AI-EDGE Institute, The Ohio State University, supervised by Prof. Ness Shroff. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2022, supervised by Prof. Tom Hou. I received my B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2017. My current research interests are data compression in edge networks, split computing, real-time scheduling in 5G, and Age of Information (AoI). My email address is li.13488@osu.edu.


[Oct. 2024] I attended the annual meeting of AI-EDGE Institute at Northeastern University.

[Sept. 2024] I got promoted as a reserach scientist at AI-EDGE Institute, Ohio State University.

[Aug. 2024] One paper was accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2024.

[May 2024] I will serve as a TPC Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2025.